Enhancing teachiNG And learninG English in a digitalized world


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According to the European Commission, there is a “need for every citizen to have at least basic digital skills in order to live, work, learn and participate in the modern society”. Various initiatives aimed at increasing training in digital skills for modernising education across the EU and harnessing digital technologies for learning need to be taken.
Moreover, according to the European Union “the increased mobility between EU countries and the rising number of third country migrants and refugees coming to the EU in recent years have contributed to greater (linguistic) diversity in European classrooms. Multilingual schools are not a new feature of Europe’s diverse and complex linguistic landscape”.
In addition, there is an increased number of students in Europe whose mother tongue is different from the language of instruction. In this context, teacher training remains a key priority as further strategies need to be developed to prepare teachers for the multilingual groups of students.
In order for teachers to meet the needs of nowadays classes they are expected to be highly educated and to continually improve their skills. Learning and teaching online through network technologies provide great opportunities to both teachers and students. This project is an international synergy between 6 European organisations from 5 European countries who share the challenges. All the partner organisations wants to improve their knowledge and performance of their teachers and educators.

Aim of the Project

  • increase the professional development of teachers by means of 3 Short-term joint staff training events
  • provide teachers with the required skills and competences to succeed in their teaching process
  • develop transnational cooperation in the field of education by exchanging good practices and experiences

  • introduce the concept and potential benefits of using digital tools in teaching
  • improve communication, interaction, cooperation skills of participants especially in an international environment
  • introduce participant to the cultural environment of other partner countries

  • strengthen the feeling of belonging to a European community

  • strengthen the networking among partners by developing a website, including best practices in the topics of the project
  • launch an awareness-raising campaign aligned with the project

Target groups

The project target groups are teachers, trainers, educators, digital technology experts, local authorities and other stakeholders involved in education.
Partners from different EU countries will combine the expertise and compare approaches offered in their countries on digital skill development and CLIL method. They will become more systematic in their work with learners, but also at the same time more visible at national and international level. The transnational project will help all partners in their professional development, in teaching their subject in a modern way and by using technology tools.

Expected results

  • increase students and teachers’ motivation by using ICT tools and the CLIL method in their lesson

  • make the lessons more attractive and interesting by using new tools and methods

  • enhance teachers’ methods and tools

  • make students increase their knowledge and skills while at the same time they enjoy learning

  • develop international cooperation between European schools and organizations

  • improve language skills of participants

  • improve knowledge of participants of different cultural environments

  • develop a sense of belonging in a wider European community

  • at least 36 individuals will receive training during the project